Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Year One

     Today, I decided to watch Year One, starring Jack Black and Michael Cera. It's directed by Harold Ramis and it came out in 2009. Year One is a movie about a pair of cavemen banished from their villiage who embark on a larger-than-life adventure through ancient times. Along the way, they meet biblical characters such as Cain, Abel, and Abraham, and hilarity ensues. Although this film is very funny, the humor is extremely crude. This is by no means a family movie, but it should get a laugh when viewing with friends.
     Jack Black's performance is his usual jolly, sophomoric character, while Michael Cera plays his signature performance: the shy teen awkwardly trying to woo the girl of his dreams. It's nothing I haven't seen before, but it definitely got a few laughs.

Overall, I'd give this movie a 7 out of 10.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

La Femme Nikita

     For my first review, I'll be analyzing the French film La Femme Nikita. It was released in 1990 and directed by Luc Besson. This is a story of actions, consequences, trust, love, and new beginnings. The premise of the story is this: a young woman, Nikita (Anne Parrilaud), is affiliated with a group of criminals, and involved in a drug-store firefight. In the aftermath of the shoot-out, Nikita kills a policeman. She is sentenced to life in prison, but is taken to a government facility and is told that she has been declared officially dead and will now be working for the state. She is trained in computers and the feminine and martial arts until her 23rd birthday, when she unexpectedly and abruptly recieves her first mission. Afterwards, she is told that she will be released from the facility to live a life of her own.
     The story follows her life as an assassin, a wife, and a fugitive. The performance given by Anne Parilaud is extremely good, as she portrays Nikita's slow metamorphisis from immature, almost childish street junkie to a human being capable of functioning in society. I highly recommend this movie to people interested in foreign films, action and/or drama films, or the TV series based on the film that's come out recently.

Overall, I would rate this movie at an eight on a scale of one to ten.


Hi! Welcome to E's Views and Reviews. I consider myself a movie buff, and I enjoy giving my opinion on them. I'll try to review one or two films a week, possibly three. If you have any requests for reviews, please e-mail me at Thanks!